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作者:叶宝娟  方小婷  廖雅琼  游雅媛  雷希  符皓皓  陈佳雯 
单位:江西师范大学心理学院  南昌 330022 
关键词:心理资本 文化适应压力 感知文化距离 主观幸福感 少数民族预科生 


Objective: To explore the effect of psychological capitalization on subjective well-being in minority prepara-tory undergraduates. Methods: A sample of 683 minority preparatory undergraduates was recruited in the study to com-plete psychological capitalization scale, acculturative stress questionnaire, perceived cultural distance scale and subjective well-being scale. Results: ①Psychological capitalization positively predicted subjective well-being. Acculturative stress negatively predicted minority subjective well-being; ②Acculturative stress partially mediated the effect of psychological capitalization on subjective well-being; ③ Perceived cultural distance moderated this mediation effect of acculturative stress. When the level of psychological capital was similar, the students with higher perceived cultural distance had higher subjective well-being than those with smaller perceived cultural distance. Conclusion: The effect of psychological capital-ization subjective well-being is mediated by acculturative stress and moderated by perceived cultural distance in minority preparatory undergraduates.


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