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作者:陈世民  张莹  孙配贞 
单位:1. 中国矿业大学公共管理学院  徐州 221116 2. 德国柏林自由大学  德国柏林 3. 江苏师范大学教育科学学院  徐州 221116 
关键词:幸福 幸福的来源 自我实现 需要满足 幸福的主观体验 


Objective: This study intends to explore the objectivity of well-being by exploring the consistency between the sources and the subjective experience of well-being. Methods: Two samples of 716 college students and 381 adults completed Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-Being, Personal Growth Subscale from Psychological Well-being Scale, Need Satisfaction Questionnaire and Emotional Experience of Well-being Questionnaire. Latent profile analysis was used to determine the classes of participants instead of grouping based on predetermined cut-off scores. Results: College stu-dents were classified into four classes and were named low, medium, high, and the highest well-being class. Adults were classified into three classes and were named low, medium, and high well-being classes. ANOVA showed that the higher the level of objective source of well-being was, the higher the eudaimonia-related experience and satisfaction-related experi-ence were, and the lower negative emotion was. Conclusion: The sources and the subjective experience of well-being are consistent.


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