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作者:宁亚飞  刘春玲 
单位:华东师范大学教育学部  上海 200062 
关键词:幼儿接纳量表 信度 效度 


Objective: To measure the reliability and validity of the Acceptance Scale for Kindergartners-Revised(ASKR) among Chinese kindergartners aged 5-6 years. Methods: By convenience sampling, a sample of 225 kindergartners in Shanghai was tested for item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis. Results: Exploratory factor analysis revealed two distinct factors:affective component and behavioral component; confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the two-factor model; reliability analysis showed that the internal consistency reliability was 0.857, the test-retest reliability was 0.660, and the split-half reliability was 0.841; there was no gender difference in the Chinese-verion ASK-R, and in consideration of the affective component and the whole scale, kindergartners in inclusive classes had significantly higher acceptance ratings to children with disabilities than did children in regular preschool class-es. Conclusion: The Chinese version of ASK-R is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing acceptance attitude of Chi-nese kindergartners aged 5-6 years.


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