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作者:马卓娅  张优  刘靖  王异芳 
单位:1. 首都师范大学心理学院  北京 100048 2. 首都师范大学附属幼儿园  北京 100048 
关键词:选择性信任 权威身份 教师 同伴 


Objective: In recent years, selective trust which refers to children's different selection to informant has been a newly-developed research topic in the area of developmental psychology. Methods: In the study, 120 children aged 3-5-years were tested, using a single source paradigm to investigate the subjects'tendency to selective trust when they face to different materials(Ambiguous Figure, dilemma story), and different people's(teacher, peer) view that is against themselves. Results: Analysis of variance showed that the rate of change of the view of children in the teacher group was significantly higher than that of the peer group(P<0.01);The rate of change of view of children in the story task was signifi-cantly higher than that of picture task(P<0.01); There was also an interaction between types of task and types of identity con-dition(P<0.05). Conclusion: Compared with peers, 3-5-years old children are more willing to trust teachers. Three-tofive-year-old children's selective trusts are also influenced by the material types. Compared to pictures, children are more likely to be convinced by the different suggestions from informant when facing moral dilemma stories. Compared to the am-biguous figures situation, 3-5 years old children are more influenced by teachers in the dilemma story situation.


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