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作者:邓衍鹤  向睿洋  刘翔平 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院  北京 100875 2. 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室  北京 100875 
关键词:放逐 选择性注意 社交焦虑 补偿缺失 


Objective: This study investigated the moderating role of social anxiety in the effect of ostracism on selective attention to social signs representing potential social acceptance(i.e., smiling faces). Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to either ostracism or control condition manipulated by Cyber-ball game. A modified dot probe task allowing for a differentiation between processes of orienting and disengagement-two aspects of selective attention-was used to measure. Results: It was observed that individual differences in social anxiety moderated significantly the effects of ostracism on the disengaging index of smiling faces. Specifically, higher levels of social anxiety were associated with faster attentional disen-gagement from smiling faces in the ostracism condition, whereas lower level of social anxiety were associated with slower at-tentional disengagement. Conclusion: The current findings suggest that such compensatory deficits in the early-stage inter-personal perception have important implications for understanding the genesis and persistence of social anxiety.


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