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作者:陈婧  肖翠萍 
单位:湖南师范大学公共管理学院  长沙 410081 
关键词:机器人技术 自闭症儿童 机器人干预 


With the development of science and technology, interventions for children with autism are more and more intelligent. In recent years, many researches have shown that robot has gradually become a hotspot in researching interventions for children with autism, and plays a big role in early diagnosis, monitoring, emotional recognition, interpersonal skills, behavior modification and activity interaction.


1 杨娜, 钱乐琼, 肖晓, 等. 对孤独症儿童情绪理解干预的实验研究. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2014, 22(4):738-741
2 USNEWS. CDC:Child Autism Rate Now 1 in 45 After Survey Method Changes. http://health.usnews.com/health-news/articles/2015/11/13/cdc-child-autism-rate-now-1-in-45-after-survey-method-changes, 2015-11-13
3 熊絮茸. 儿童自闭症及其综合干预. 医学与哲学, 2013, 34 (8):76-78
4 钱乐琼, 杨娜, 肖晓, 等. 孤独症谱系障碍儿童的早期干预方法综述. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2013, 21(5):856-862
5 赖珊, 徐光兴. 自闭症儿童干预技术. 中国健康心理学杂志, 2013, 21(2):317-320
6 范晓壮. 机器人用于自闭症谱系障碍儿童社交技能干预研究的综述. 现代特殊教育, 2015, 14(7):34-37+57
7 赵芳华, 杨熙, 张维维, 李昊. 基于自闭症儿童情感特征的陪护机器人设计研究. 艺术与设计(理论), 2016, 10(10):116-118
8 张婷. NAO 机器人在自闭症干预中的应用. 系统仿真技术, 2013, 9(4):327-331+338
9 Kliemann D, Dziobek I, Hatri A, et al. The role of the amygdala in atypical gaze on emotional faces in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Neuroscience, 2012, 32(28):9469-9476
10 Scassellati B. How Social Robots Will Help Us to Diagnose, Treat,and Understand Autism. Robotics Research:Results of the International Symposium, 2007, 28:552-563
11 Dicksteinfischer L, Fischer GS. Combining psychological and engineering approaches to utilizing social robots with children with Autism. Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2014. 792-795
12 Kim YD, Hong JW, Kang WS, et al. Design of Robot Assisted Observation System for Therapy and Education of Children with Autism. International Conference on Social Robotics, 2010, 6414(8):222-231
13 Albo-Canals J, Feerst D, Cordoba DD, et al. A Cloud Robotic System based on Robot Companions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to Perform Evaluations during LEGO Engineering Workshops. Tenth Acm/ieee International Conference, 2015. 173-174
14 Bevill R, Azzi P, Spadafora M, et al. Multisensory robotic therapy to promote natural emotional interaction for children with ASD. Acm/ieee International Conference on Humanrobot Interaction, 2016. 571-571
15 Park CH, Jeon M, Howard AM. Robotic framework with multi-modal perception for physio-musical interactive therapy for children with autism. Joint IEEE International Conference on Development & Learning & Epigenetic Robotics, 2015. 150-151
16 Barnes J. Musical robotic interactions for children with autism spectrum disorders. Acm Sigaccess Accessibility & Computing, 2016, 114:8-10
17 Özcan B, Caligiore D, Sperati V. Transitional Wearable Companions:A Novel Concept of Soft Interactive Social Robots to Improve Social Skills in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2016, 8(4):471-481
18 Yun SS, Choi JS, Park SK. An Interactive Robot Facilitating Social Skills for Children. Tenth Acm/ieee International Conference on Huma-robot Interaction Extended, 2015. 95-96
19 Beck SJ, Hanson CA, Puffenberger SS, et al. A controlled trial of working memory training for children and adolescents with ADHD. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 2010, 39(6):825
20 American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(5th ed,text rev). Washington:American Psychological Association, 2013. 4189-4189
21 Boccanfuso L, Scarborough S, Abramson RK, et al. A lowcost socially assistive robot and robot-assisted intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder:field trials and lessons learned. Autonomous Robots, 2016. 1-19
22 Valadão CT, Goulart C, Rivera H, et al. Analysis of the use of a robot to improve social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder. Res.biomed.eng, 2016, 32(2):161-175
23 Wainer J, Dautenhahn K, Robins B, et al. A Pilot Study with a Novel Setup for Collaborative Play of the Humanoid Robot KASPAR with Children with Autism. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2014, 6(1):45-65
24 Coeckelbergh M, Pop C, Simut R, et al. A Survey of Expect ations About the Role of Robots In Robot-Assisted Therapy for Children with ASD:Ethical Acceptability, Trust, Sociability, Appearance and Attachment. Science and Engineering Ethics, 2016, 22(1):47-65
25 Saldien J, Goris K, Vanderborght B, et al. Expressing Emotions with the Social Robot Probo. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2010, 2(4):377-389
26 Johnson DO, Cuijpers RH, Pol DVD. Imitating Human Emotions with Artificial Facial Expressions. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2013, 5(4):503-513


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