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作者:郑清  叶宝娟  姚媛梅  陈佳雯  符皓皓  雷希  游雅媛 
单位:1. 江西师范大学心理学院  南昌 330022 2. 江西师范大学政法学院  南昌 330022 
关键词:攻击行为规范信念 网络欺负 道德推脱 网络道德 


Objective: To explore the mechanism between normative beliefs about aggression and cyberbullying in college students. Methods: A sample of 781 college students was recruited in the study to complete normative beliefs about aggression scale, moral disengagement scale, Internet morality scale and cyberbullying scale. Results: ①Normative beliefs about aggression and moral disengagement were positively correlated with cyberbullying, while Internet morality was negatively correlated with cyberbullying; ②Normative belief about aggression significantly predicted cyberbullying; ③Moral disengagement mediated the effect of normative belief about aggression on cyberbullying; ④Internet morality mediated the effect of moral disengagement on cyberbullying. Conclusion: Moral disengagement and Internet morality played a chain mediating role between normative belief about aggression and cyberbullying in college students.


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