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作者:谢家树  肖帅军  Chunyan Yang  George G. Bear 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学教育科学学院  长沙 410081 2. University of California  Santa Barbara  CA 93106-9490 3. University of Delaware  Newark  DE 19716 
关键词:中美青少年 校园氛围感知 跨文化比较 


Objective: To compare the differences in Perceptions of school climate among Chinese and American adolescents. Methods: 3685 Chinese and 3724 American 6-12th grade adolescents were measured with Delaware School Climate Scale-Adolescent(2013 edition) to compare the perceptions of school climate among Chinese and American adolescents. Results: ①Compared with American teenagers, Chinese adolescents perceived a more positive school climate; ②Chinese adolescent sample was significantly higher than American adolescent sample in dimensions of teacher-student relations, student-student relations, student engagement school-wide, fairness of rules, school safety and bullying school-wide, and significantly lower in dimensions of respect of diversity and clarity of expectations. ③Compared with senior students, junior students perceived a more positive school climate in both China and America. ④Chinese girls were more satisfied with school climate than boys, and there was no significant gender difference among American adolescents. Conclusion: The study indicates that there were differences in perceptions of school climate among Chinese and American adolescent.


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