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作者:苗淼  王雅琦  叶青  可钦  甘怡群 
单位:1. 中国政法大学社会学院  北京 100088 2. 北京大学心理与认知科学学院及行为与心理健康北京市重点实验室  北京 100871 
关键词:未来取向应对 预防应对 预先应对 序列模型 准新婚个体 


Objective: Future-oriented coping consists of preventive coping and proactive coping, but the relationship between these two remains controversial. The present study aimed to test the sequential model with longitudinal data in individuals facing marriage and explore the sequential relationship between proactive coping and preventive coping. Methods: Convenience sampling was conducted and data were collected from 120 individuals who planned to marry within a year. Self-report questionnaires were administered at two time-points with two months apart, measuring individuals' cognitive appraisal, future-oriented coping, well-being, and perceived pressure. Results: The results showed that both preventive and proactive coping were positively correlated with well-being and negatively correlated with perceived pressure. Moreover, structural equation modeling and mediation analyses confirmed the validity of the sequential model. Conclusion: The present results help to further clarify the connection and difference between preventive and proactive coping, demonstrating that they are sequential stages that are connected and complement each other.


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