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作者:时嘉惠  王争艳  尚睿娴  梁熙 
单位:首都师范大学教育学院心理学系  儿童发展研究中心  北京市"学习与认知"重点实验室  北京 100048 
关键词:学步儿 依恋 情绪调节策略 


Objective: To illustrate the use of toddlers' emotion regulation strategies, and explore the influence of attachment style on the development of emotion regulation strategies among 1-2-year-old toddlers. Methods: Sixty-three toddlers' attachment style and emotion regulation strategies were tested in the full version of Strange Situation test at age 1 (Time 1), and emotion regulation strategies were tested in the simplified version of Strange Situation test at age 2(Time 2). Results: ①In the strange situation, toddlers used Object Orientation the most and Self-regulatory Strategy the fewest. ② Secure toddlers' Self-regulatory Strategy was marginally significantly higher than insecure toddlers' at both Time 1 and Time 2. ③Toddlers who had different attachment styles showed different developmental trajectories of emotion regulation strategies from 1 to 2 years old. For secure toddlers, Self-regulatory Strategy increased noticeably from 1 to 2 years old. In comparison for insecure toddlers, Positive Social Engagement increased only in mother-present situation. Conclusion: Mother-present situation possibly motivates insecure toddlers to search for more contact with mothers. What's more, secure attachment relationship is beneficial to toddlers' development of self-regulation.


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