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作者:王茹婧  樊富珉  李虹  倪士光 
单位:1. 清华大学深圳研究生院  深圳 518055 2. 清华大学心理学系  北京 100084 
关键词:团体咨询 干预程序 效果评估 内容分析 


Objective: The articles on group counseling's effect evaluations published in China were analyzed by using content analysis to find out their current situations and novel perspectives. Methods: CNKI was searched to collect 89 articles of group counseling between 2001 and 2016 from 9 top psychology journals that recorded by 2015 edition of CSSCI source publication. This article conducted the quantitative analysis, in terms of design, evaluation, statistics, the situation of group members' lost, and ethical issues. Results: The researches of group counseling developed rapidly, the evaluations of effect were diversified. However, some problems still existed, specifically the lack of the pilot studies, the preciseness of the program designs, the detailed descriptions of the group leaders, the standardization of the quantitative researches. Conclusion: Future researches should focus on Randomized Controlled Trial(RCT) or Waiting list -Randomized Controlled Trial (WL-RCT), match the effect assessments to the different stages of group counseling, pay more attention to the organizers' setting, members' lost, and the ethical issues.


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