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作者:安心  马海林  韩布新  刘冰  王妍 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理健康重点实验室  中国科学院心理研究所  北京 100101 2. 中国科学院大学  北京 100049 3. 西藏大学高原脑科学研究中心  拉萨 850000 
关键词:高海拔缺氧 注意网络 执行控制功能 驻留时间效应 


Objective: To investigate the time effect of high altitude hypoxia on attention networks. Methods: Data collected in three waves(one week, one month and two years at high altitude area, respectively) were analyzed from a cohort of 23 college students entering the high altitude area(3650m) for the first time. Results: Executive control function of attention network is significantly affected by residence time:Post-hoc analysis demonstrated that executive control function performance was significantly improved after month, and then significantly declined after two years which was still significantly higher than that of baseline test. Alerting function and orienting function were not significantly affected by residence time. Conclusion: Executive control function is significantly affected by residence time in high altitude. The executive control function in a week and in two years were significantly lower than that of one month,suggesting that executive control function first decreased, then restored and declined again along with the extension of residence time.


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