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作者:陈英敏  陶婧  张文献  韩磊  张元金  高峰强 
单位:山东师范大学心理学院  济南 250358 
关键词:羞怯 自我知觉 自我接纳 同伴关系 多重中介作用 


Objective:To explore the mediating role of self-perception and self-acceptance between middle school stu-dents'shyness and peer relationships. Methods:A total of 886 middle school students were invited to fill in the Middle School Students'Shyness Scale, the Children's Self-perception Inventory, the Self-acceptance Questionnaire, the Peer Re-lationship Questionnaire. Results:①The correlation analysis showed that shyness, self-perception, self-acceptance and peer relationships were significantly correlated with each other. ②Structural equation modeling showed that shyness had a direct effect on peer relationships. The mediating effects of self-perception and self-acceptance between shyness and peer relationships were significant, and chain mediating effect of self-perception-self-acceptance was also significant. Conclusion:Self-perception and self-acceptance exert multiple mediating effects on the relationship between shyness and peer re-lationships.


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