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作者:梁群君  武碧云  林妙莲  李放  郑雪 
单位:1. 华南师范大学心理学院  广州 510631 2. 四川师范大学教师教育与心理学院  成都 610066 
关键词:未来时间洞察力 职业决策自我效能感 社会支持 主观幸福感 


Objective:This study aimed to explore the relationship among future time perspective, social support, career decision-making self-efficacy and subjective well-being. Methods:A total of 607 senior college students completed the questionnaires measuring future time perspective(USFTPS), social support(PSSS), career decision-making self-efficacy(CD-MSE) and using Affectometer 2 and the Satisfactions with Life Scale(SWLS) to measure subjective well-being. Results:① Future time perspective had a positive impact on subjective well-being. ②Social support and career decision-making selfefficacy mediated the effect of future time perspective on the subjective well-being. Conclusion:Future time perspective plays an important role to reduce the subjective well-being on employment directly and indirectly through the effects of so-cial support and career decision-making self-efficacy.


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