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作者:王玉慧  谢笑春  陈红  雷雳 
单位:1. 中国人民大学心理学系  北京 100872 2. 西南大学心理学部  重庆 400715 3. 东北师范大学心理学院  长春 130024 
关键词:身体意象失调 社交网站 外貌比较 瘦理想内化 


Recently, body image disturbances are growing prevalent among females, and social networking sites(SNSs) have been considered as significant factors that influence how females feel and think about their bodies. A large number of studies have demonstrated the negative effects of SNSs on the cognition, feelings and behaviors of females. Based on the so-cial comparison theory and tripartite influence model, empirical studies explore the mediating role of appearance compari-son and internalization of thin ideal to explain how SNSs use influence females'body image. Future research is needed to explore the influence of SNSs on diverse samples, combine experimental manipulations with longitudinal study, and focus on the influence of SNSs on face, skin, and hair-related concerns. In addition, other theoretical explanation is needed to make the mechanism clearer.


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