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作者:高峰强  杨华勇  耿靖宇  韩磊 
单位:1. 山东师范大学心理学院  济南 250358 2. 首都师范大学心理系暨北京市学习与认知重点实验室  北京 100048 


Objective: To investigate the relationship among shyness, relative deprivation, negative life events and aggression. Methods: A sample of 413 Chinese college students were recruited to complete the College Students' Shyness Scales, Aggression Questionnaire, Relative Deprivation Scales and ASLEC. Results: ①Correlation analysis showed that shyness, relative deprivation, negative life events and aggression were positively correlated with each other; ②SEM analysis revealed that relative deprivation and negative life events partly mediated the relationship of shyness and aggression. Conclusion: Shyness may influence the aggressive behaviors through both negative life events and relative deprivation.


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