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作者:蔡妍  张荷婧  赖斯燕  李达荣  何先友 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院  北京 100875 2. 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室  北京 100875 3. 华南师范大学心理学院  广州 510631 


Objective: To investigate the relationship between past and negative affect, and between future and positive affect exist. The modulating effect of spatial metaphor on strength of these relationships was also examined. Methods: Thirty-eight university students who are right-handed participated in two IAT tasks, which put temporal words as target concepts, personality words and affective words as attribute dimension respectively, and the positions of category labels as spatial variable. All of them are within-subjects designs. Results: ①The strength of the connection, tomorrow will be better, was larger than 0.3. And participants responded significantly faster than the opposite. ②When the connection between past and negative was presented on the left side, future and positive were presented on the right side, the strength was greater and the response time was significantly faster than other conditions. Conclusion: There are implicit association between past and negative affect, as well as between future and positive affect. And the strength of these associations are modulated by spatial metaphor, which offers the possibility of the connections between the target domains that are constructed on the same source domain.


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