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作者:金童林  陆桂芝  张璐  魏列聪  马雪  锁海璇 
单位:1. 哈尔滨师范大学教科院  哈尔滨 150025 2. 兰州市园子学区  兰州 730119 3. 黑龙江大学教育学院  哈尔滨 150086 


Objective: To explore the relationship among psychological maltreatment, cyber victimization and social anxiety in adolescents. Methods: 550 adolescents were surveyed with Psychological Maltreatment Scale, Cyber Victimization Questionnaire and Social Anxiety Sub-scale of the Self-Consciousness Scale. Results: Rate of cyber victimization was 60.8% in adolescents; Correlation analysis showed that psychological maltreatment, cyber victimization and social anxiety were significantly and positively correlated with each other; psychological maltreatment had a significant direct effect on cyber victimization (t=8.13, P<0.01); Moreover, social anxiety exerted a partial mediating role between psychological maltreatment and cyber victimization (confidence interval of 95%:0.01, 0.07). Conclusion: Psychological maltreatment not only influences cyber victimization directly, but also indirectly aggravates cyber victimization through promoting social anxiety in adolescents.


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