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作者:刘广增  潘彦谷  李卫卫  孟亚运  张大均 
单位:西南大学心理健康教育研究中心  西南大学心理学部  重庆 400715 


Objective: To explore the relationship between self-esteem, self-concept clarity and social anxiety in adolescents. Methods: Rosernberg self-esteem scale, self-concept clarity scale and social anxiety scale were applied to 644 adolescents. Results: ①High self-esteem adolescent self-concept clarity score was significantly higher than low self-esteem adolescents (t=-6.21, P<0.01), low self-esteem adolescent social anxiety score were significantly higher than those with high self-esteem (t=7.62, P<0.01); ②Self-esteem and self-concept clarity was positively correlated (r=0.30, P<0.01), self-esteem and self-concept clarity were negatively correlated with social anxiety (r=-0.35, -0.32, P<0.01); ③Self-concept clarity significantly mediated the relationship between self-esteem and social anxiety, the mediating effect accounted for 41.6% of the total effect. Conclusion: Self-esteem, self-concept clarity and social anxiety are closely related, and selfconcept clarity mediates the effect of self-esteem on social anxiety in adolescents.


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