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作者:宋洁  平凡  佘瑞琴  韩磊 
单位:1. 山东师范大学心理学院  济南 250014 2. 华中师范大学马克思主义学院  武汉 430079 

目的:探讨高、低批判性思维倾向个体对肯定词、否定词的词义加工差异,推断其使用频率差异。方法:采用批判性思维倾向量表中文版本(Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory-Chinese Version,CTDI-CV)对300名大学生进行测量,以27%为标准确定高分组和低分组被试,然后从中随机选取高批判性思维倾向组和低批判性思维倾向组,采用Stroop任务变式,比较两组被试在判断类词汇词义加工上的差异。结果:低批判性思维倾向个体对肯定词的颜色命名反应时更长。结论:与高批判性思维倾向者相比,低批判性思维倾向的个体对肯定词的自动化加工水平更高,这或许与低批判性思维倾向个体对认知加工过程的监控和调节较少,对自己和他人的观点经常持赞同和肯定态度有关。

Objective: To investigate the effects of critical thinking disposition on sematic processing of judging words. Methods: 300 college students were divided into High and Low critical thinking disposition groups by Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory-Chinese Version (CTDI-CV), and asked to complete a revised Stroop task. Results: Compared to individual with low critical thinking disposition, the group with low critical thinking disposition showed longer reaction time on the affirmative color naming task. Conclusion: Critical thinking disposition may influence judgement of processing on the affirmative words.


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