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作者:李放1 2  邬俊芳3  麦晓浩4  宁凯5  陈坤钰1  巢琳1  郑雪1 
单位:1. 华南师范大学心理学院、心理应用研究中心  广州 510631 
 四川师范大学教师教育与心理学院  成都 610068 
 广州市花都区邝维煜纪念中学  广州 510800 
 广东培正学院  广州 510800 
 信阳师范学院教育科学学院  信阳 464000 
关键词:同性恋者 内化同性恋嫌恶 自我概念清晰度 抑郁 


Objective: To investigate the mediating effect and moderating effect of self-concept clarity between internalized homophobia and depression in homosexuals.Methods: 433 homosexuals were assessed with the scales of internalized homophobia,self-concept clarity and depression.Results: Firstly,self-concept clarity played a complete mediating role between internalized homophobia and depression in homosexuals;Secondly,self-concept clarity also played a moderating role between internalized homophobia and depression in homosexuals.Specially,for the individuals with low self-concept clarity,the level of depression increased as internalized homophobia increased;for the individuals with high self-concept clarity,the level of depression remained unchanged when internalized homophobia increased.Conclusion: Internalized homophobia affects depression through self-concept clarity in homosexuals,and self-concept clarity can buffer the influence of internalized homophobia on depression.


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