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作者:凌辉1  夏羽2  张建人1  朱阿敏1  郭鹤阳1  王洪晶1 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学教育科学学院心理系  长沙 410081 
 Department of Mathematics and Statistics  Boston University  Boston 02215 
关键词:3-6岁儿童 自立 问卷 结构效度 


Objective: To analyze the construct of the self-supporting behaviors questionnaire for children aged 3-6 years. Methods: 369 children aged 3-6 years were tested using the self-supporting behaviors questionnaire, and exploratory factor analysis(EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) was adopted to examine its construct. Results: The questionnaire contains 27 items and EFA showed that five dimensions could be summarized, which were the daily self-supporting, the social self-supporting-safety knowledge, the social self-supporting-social behavior, the scholastic self-supporting, and the mental self-supporting-self control. Five factors cumulatively explained 53.796% of the variance. The CFA supported the five-dimension model and main fit indices included χ2/df=1.980, NFI=0.809, IFI=0.895, TLI=0.881, CFI=0.894, RMSEA=0.057. It should be noted that the first-order model was fitted superior to second-order model. Each item's factor loading valued between 0.378 and 0.827, and the correlation coefficient within 5 dimensions ranged from 0.409 to 0.685. Conclusion: The self-supporting behaviors questionnaire for children aged 3-6 years is structurally clear-stated. Dimensions are correlated and differ from each other at the same time. Since the questionnaire is featured with a first-order model, it is not suitable for calculation of the total scores.

本研究得到湖南省教育科学“十二五”规划重点资助课题“学前儿童自立品格的养成教育研究”(项目编号: XJK013AXL002)资助;2013年湖南师范大学哲学社会科学青年学术骨干项目资助;国家留学基金资助(资助证书编号:201406725020)

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3 李媛. 大学生自立意识的初步研究. 西南师范大学博士学位论文,2002
4 钟慧. 高中生自立结构问卷的初步编制. 西南师范大学硕士学位论文,2003
5 夏凌翔. 当代大学生心理自立问卷的初步编制. 西南师范大学硕士学位论文,2003
6 夏凌翔. 青少年学生自立人格的理论与实证研究. 西南师范大学博士学位论文,2006
7 凌辉. 6-12岁儿童自立行为的理论与实证研究. 西南师范大学2006届博士学位论文(导师黄希庭教授),2006a
8 夏凌翔,黄希庭. 当代学者对自立认识的概念分析. 心理科学,2006,29(4):861-867
9 凌辉,张建人,钟妮,等. 3-6岁儿童自立行为结构的初步研究. 中国临床心理学杂志,2014,22(6):1037-1041
10 凌辉,黄希庭. 6-12岁儿童自立行为结构的初步研究. 中国临床心理学杂志,2006,14(3):233-236
11 Hui Ling, Xiting Huang, Bingjun Yang, Lijuan Wang. Assessing Self-Supporting Behaviors of Chinese Children. Social Behavior and Personality, 2012, 40(5):815-828
12 凌辉,朱阿敏,张建人,等. 3-6岁儿童自立行为问卷的编制.中国临床心理学杂志,2016,24(4):667-670


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