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作者:张静1  任孝鹏1  张力2  徐江1 3 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所  北京 100101 
 首都师范大学  北京 100048 
 中国科学院大学  北京 100049 
关键词:自我 自我参照效应 孩子参照效应 


Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate whether Chinese mothers would show child-reference effect and whether or not child's age moderates this effect. Methods: The study recruited 53 mothers(age=33.56±4.92, children's age=3.94±2.50). A five(self, child, public character, font and semantic) within-subject design was used with self-reference effect paradigm. Results: The repeated ANOVA find that the recognition score for child-referent(M=0.64, SD=0.23) was lower than those of self-referent(M=0.70, SD=0.20), and higher than those of public-character-referent(M=0.56, SD=0.21);F(4,208)=37.24,P<0.01. And child's age moderated the child-reference effect, demonstrating that the child-reference effect was stronger when the child's age is over 4 than those less than 4. Conclusion: Chinese mother show child-reference effect on recognition condition. And it is much stronger when the child's age is over 4.


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