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作者:王宴庆  赵鑫 
单位:西北师范大学心理学院行为康复训练研究中心  兰州730070 
关键词:正念 考试焦虑 情绪调节自我效能感 


Objective: To explore the mediating effect of the regulatory emotional self-efficacy between mindfulness and test anxiety in college students. Methods: A total of 370 college students were measured with Five Facet Mindfulness Questionaire, Regulatory Emotional Self-efficacy Scale, and Test Anxiety Scale. Results: ①Significant negative correla-tion was found between mindfulness and test anxiety. ②Perceived self-efficacy in expressing positive affect and perceived self-efficacy in managing negative affect were both positively correlated with mindfulness, and negatively correlated with test anxiety. ③Perceived self-efficacy in managing negative affect played a partial mediating role between mindfulness and test anxiety. Conclusion: Mindfulness has both direct and indirect influence on the test anxiety. The indirect influence is exerted through regulatory emotional self-efficacy.


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