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作者:潘岳邈  张登浩 
单位:中国人民大学心理学系  北京100872 
关键词:性别 性别角色 爱情嫉妒 进化心理学 


Objective: To find out which theory can better explain why males and females are jealous of different fea-tures of competitors. Methods: 302 college students were assessed using the New Sex-Role Inventory(CSRI-50) and the contextual questionnaire of the rivals characters reducing romantic jealousy. Results: The features of rivals that cause most jealousy were different between genders. Females were more jealous of physical attractiveness of rivals, while males were more jealous of social resources. However, the latter phenomenon was not significant. Sex role doesn't show significant ef-fect. Conclusion: The results partly support the explanation of evolutionary psychology theory.


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5 Groothof HAK, Dijkstra P, Barelds DPH. Sex differences in jealousy: The case of internet infidelity. Journal of Social and Personal Relationship, 2009, 8: 1119-1129
6 Buunk BP, Dijkstra P. A narrow waist versus broad shoulders: Sex and age differences in the jealousy-evoking charac-teristics of a rival's body build. Personality and Individual Differences, 2005, 39: 379-389
7 Dijkstra P, Buunk BP. Jealousy as a function of rival characteristics: An evolutionary perspective. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1998, 24: 1158-1166
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10 刘电芝,黄会欣,贾凤芹,等. 新编大学生性别角色量表揭示性别角色变迁. 心理学报,2011,6:639-649


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