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作者:符仲芳1  徐慰1  王建平1 2 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院  应用实验心理北京市重点实验室  北京100875 
 首都医科大学  北京100088 
关键词:囤积 依恋焦虑 囤积信念 中介作用 

目的:构建囤积的依恋焦虑、囤积行为及负性情绪关系的理论模型,考察囤积信念在依恋焦虑与囤积行为关系中的中介作用以及囤积行为对负性情绪的影响。方法:采用囤积量表、亲密关系经历量表、囤积信念量表和焦虑、抑郁量表对312名大学生进行测量。结果:囤积与依恋焦虑成显著正相关,与依恋回避相关不显著;个体的囤积水平能够显著预测个体的焦虑、抑郁水平。结构方程模型分析表明,假设模型(依恋焦虑对囤积行为的路径显著、囤积行为对负性情绪的路径显著,囤积信念中介依恋焦虑对囤积行为的路径)拟合度良好(χ2/df =1.644,CFI=0.973,TLI=0.960,RMSEA=0.045,SRMR=0.038)。进一步通过中介分析发现,囤积信念对依恋焦虑和囤积行为之间的关系起部分中介作用(解释率为31.0%),囤积信念和囤积行为在依恋焦虑和负性情绪的关系中也起中介作用。结论:囤积信念在依恋焦虑对囤积行为的影响中起到重要作用,对于囤积的临床治疗可以关注于改变个体关于囤积的信念,进而有效改善囤积的症状,缓解个体的不良情绪。

Objective: To construct a cognitive model to explain the mediating role of saving beliefs in the relationship between attachment style and hoarding symptoms, and the effect of hoarding on negative emotions. Methods: A total of 312 college students were recruited to complete a series of questionnaires: Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory(ECR), Saving Beliefs Questionnaire(SBQ), Saving Inventory-Revised(SI-R), CES-D and SAS. Results: There were significant cor-relations among the scores of saving beliefs and hoarding symptoms, so were the anxiety attachment and hoarding symp-toms. Structural equation modeling showed that the model(the pathway from attachment anxiety to hoarding symptom, from hoarding symptom to negative emotions and the mediating effect of hoarding beliefs are significant) fitted the data well (χ2/df =1.644,CFI=0.973, TLI=0.960, RMSEA=0.045, SRMR=0.038). The hoarding acted as a multiple mediator in the correla-tion between the anxiety attachment and negative emotions. Conclusion: Saving beliefs are an important factor influencing the effects of anxiety attachment on the hoarding symptoms. The study shed light on the future treatment in hoarders which can focus on the saving beliefs.


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