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人生意义量表(修订版)的适用性和推广性:基于CTT 和多维Rasch 的分析
作者:陈维1 3  葛缨2 3  胡媛艳2 3  张进辅3 
单位:1. 贵州师范大学教育科学学院  贵阳550001 
 重庆文理学院认知与心理健康实验室  重庆402160 
 西南大学心理学部  重庆400715 
关键词:人生意义 多维Rasch 组合信度 聚敛效度 区分效度 


Objective: The present study aimed to develop the Revised Meaning in Life Questionnaire(RMLQ) for col-lege students, RMLQ and investigate its psychometric properties as well as generalizability. Methods: 1200 college stu-dents were surveyed with the RMLQ, Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale, General Self-efficacy Scale, and Revision of the Un-dergraduates'Loneliness Scale. Results: The bi-factor structure was very steady, no matter what the rotation is the vari-max or promax. The item reliability of presence of meaning and search of meaning are respectively 0.809 and 0.835 using multidimensional Rasch analysis, the separation reliability is 0.988. Conclusion: The reliability and validity are excellent for the Revised Meaning in Life Questionnaire.


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