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作者:何瑾1 2  樊富珉1  刘海骅2 
单位:1. 清华大学心理学系  北京100084 
 北京大学学生心理健康教育与咨询中心  北京100871 
关键词:舞动团体 抑郁 生活满意度 积极建构 

目的:本研究旨在考察舞动团体对大学生心理健康的影响作用。方法:将随机选取的46名大学本科生分为实验组(23人)和对照组(23人, 有3人后测数据流失)。实验组被试接受连续10周, 每周2小时的舞动团体辅导, 对照组被试不接受任何处理。使用《一般生活满意度量表》、《抑郁量表》、《积极建构问卷》对两组被试进行前后测。结果:实验组和对照组被试在前测的各指标上差异不显著, 在后测的各指标差异显著。组内差异检验结果显示, 实验组被试的一般生活满意度后测显著高于前测(t =3.347, P <0.005), 抑郁水平后测显著低于前测(t =-4.217, P <0.001), 积极建构分数后测显著高于前测(t =4.954, P <0.001);而对照组被试在各指标上的前后测差异不显著。结论:舞动团体能显著增强大学生对事物的积极建构, 降低大学生的抑郁水平, 提高大学生的总体生活满意度。

Objective: The present study investigated the effectiveness of a ten-week dance movement group intervention on mental health in college students. Methods: 46 college students were randomly assigned to the intervention group (23 subjects) and the control group(23 subjects). All of the participants completed the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D8), Satisfaction with Life Scale(SWLS) and Positive Framing scale before and after intervention. Results: After 8-week intervention, a significant reduction in depression, as well as a significant increase in their level of satisfaction with life(t =3.347,P <0.005) and positive framing(t =4.954,P <0.000) were observed in the intervention group(t =- 4.217,P <0.001). Conclusion: These findings suggest that the dance movement group intervention is effective to increase mental health in college students.


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