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作者:石怡1  周永红1  曾垂凯2 
单位:1. 广西大学教育学院  南宁530004 
 浙江财经大学工商管理学院  杭州310018 
关键词:心理控制源 应对方式 学校适应 中介作用 

目的:探讨应对方式在大学生心理控制源和学校适应间的中介作用。方法:采用问卷调查法, 运用内控性、有势力的他人及机遇量表(IPC)、简易应对方式问卷和中国大学生学校适应问卷对523名大学生进行调查。结果:①大学生心理控制源、应对方式和学校适应三者间两两显著相关。②积极应对在内控性与学校适应间有部分中介作用;消极应对在机遇与学校适应间有完全中介作用;消极应对在有势力的他人与学校适应间有完全中介作用。结论:心理控制源和应对方式都是影响学校适应的重要因素, 应对方式在心理控制源中起中介作用。

Objective: To explore the mediating role of coping style between locus of control and school adjustment. Methods: 523 college students were assessed by IPC(Internality, Powerful Others, and Chance Scale), scale of simplified coping style and scale of school adjustment. Results: ①College students'locus of control, coping style and school adjustment were significantly correlated with each other. ②Positive coping styles served as a partial mediator between Internal locus of control and school adjustment; negative coping styles completely mediated the relationship between the Chance locus of control and school adjustment, and the relationship between the Powerful Others locus of control and school adjustment. Conclusion: Coping styles play a mediating role between locus of control and school adjustment.

中国博士后科学基金资助项目(项目号:2014T70044, 2013M530543)

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