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作者:曾庆巍  刘爱书 
单位:哈尔滨师范大学  哈尔滨150025 
关键词:情绪 注意偏向 注意瞬脱 

注意的选择性普遍存在, 注意偏向和注意瞬脱分别是个体对空间呈现刺激和时间序列呈现刺激的选择性注意。注意偏向是个体对某些特定的信息具有较高敏感度而出现的选择性注意;注意瞬脱是指在相隔很短时间内(200ms-500ms)序列呈现目标刺激(T1, T2), 个体对第二个目标(T2)的正确识别率显著下降的现象。本文首先介绍了注意偏向和注意瞬脱的研究范式和理论基础;然后介绍了焦虑、抑郁和PTSD人群在这两方面的相关研究, 表明情绪障碍患者在这两方面均存在明显的对情绪刺激的选择性注意;最后指出该研究领域的发展趋势。

Selective attention is a common phenomenon. Attentional Bias is the selection of spatial attention stimuli and individuals'selective attention for specific high-sensitivity information, whereas, attentional blink refers to the selective attention in time dimension that observers often miss the 2nd of 2 visual targets(first target [T1] and second target [T2]), when these targets are presented less than about 200ms-500ms. Firstly, the paper introduced the research paradigms and theoretical basis, and then reviewed the relevant researches about the effect of the emotion stimuli on the attention for anxiety, depression, PTSD group. It suggested that emotion disorders had obvious selective attention for emotion stimuli; Finally, the paper presented future development tendency.


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