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作者:王美芳1  杨峰1  顾吉有1 2  闫秀梅3 
单位:1. 山东师范大学心理学院  济南250014 
 天津师范大学心理与行为研究院  天津300074 
 济南大学教育与心理科学学院  济南250022 
关键词:情绪 反刻板印象 学科性别刻板印象 内隐联想测验 

目的:考察反刻板印象对抑制内隐学科性别刻板印象的效应及情绪的调节作用。方法:以175名大学生为被试, 分为两个实验, 采用内隐联想测验考察了启动反刻板印象对抑制内隐学科性别刻板印象的效应(实验1)及情绪的调节作用(实验2)。结果:实验1发现, 启动反刻板印象组被试的D值显著小于不启动反刻板印象组被试的D值;实验2发现, 积极情绪条件下, 启动反刻板印象组被试的D值显著小于不启动反刻板印象组被试的D值, 但消极情绪下, 启动反刻板印象组被试的D值显著大于不启动反刻板印象组被试的D值。结论:启动反刻板印象能够有效地抑制内隐学科性别刻板印象;与消极情绪下启动反刻板印象相比, 积极情绪下启动反刻板印象更能够抑制内隐学科性别刻板印象。

Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of counterstereotype on gender-subject stereotype, as well as the moderating role of individual mood between them. Methods: With 175 undergraduates as participants, using Implicit Association Test (IAT), two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of counterstereotype on suppressing gender-subject stereotype and the moderating role of mood. Results: With Implicit Association Test, the Experiment 1 found that the D value was significantly reduced when priming counterstereotype compared with no priming counterstereotype. Based on the findings of Experiment 1, the Experiment 2 further found that priming counterstereotype reduced the D value significantly for positive participants while priming countertereotype ironicly increased the D value for negative participants. Conclusion: Priming counterstereotype can effectively suppress implicit gender-subject stereotype, however, this influence was moderated by individual mood. That is, compared with negative participants, positive participants could suppress implicit gender-subject stereotype more effectively through priming counterstereotype.


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