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作者:韩祖晔  孙玮洁  杨冉明  杨槟  张钦  崔丽霞 
单位:首都师范大学心理系  北京市"学习与认知"重点实验室  北京100048 
关键词:认知偏差矫正 解释偏差 记忆 模糊情景 

目的:研究解释偏差矫正训练(Cognitive Bias Modification of Interpretation, CBM-I)对个体解释偏差的改变效果及对先前记忆的影响。方法:选取54名健康大学生为被试, 首先为其呈现无结尾的模糊情景, 并要求为该情景续写一个结局, 之后将被试随机分配至对模糊情景进行积极解释的训练组(n=27)或消极解释的训练组(n=27)进行CBM-I训练。结果:积极组比消极组对积极探测情景的反应时更短(P <0.001), 消极组比积极组对消极探测情景反应时更短(P <0.05);对新的模糊情景进行相似度评估, 积极组比消极组倾向于积极解释(P =0.06), 消极组比积极组倾向于消极解释(P <0.05);对先前记忆内容(即先前续写的模糊情景结局)的回忆效价更倾向于CBM-I训练效价(消极训练组P <0.05)。结论:CBM-I训练能有效改变解释偏差倾向, 且对训练前的记忆产生定向影响。

Objective: To examine whether CBM-I training could induce the directive changing of individual's interpretation bias and whether it could affect the previous memory. Methods: The subjects were 54 healthy college students. They were provided with some ambiguous situations and were asked to image that they were in the situations and write endings for them. Then they were assigned randomly into the positive group(n=27) or the negative group(n=27) of CBM-Itraining. Results: The reaction times to the positive probe situations of positive group were shorter than negative group significantly (P <0.001), while the reaction times to the negative probe situations of negative group were shorter than positive group(P < 0.05); When they were requested to assess the similarity between the fresh ambiguous situations and the statements provided with emotional valence, positive group tended to explain more positively than negative group(P =0.06), and negative group tended to make more negative interpretations than positive group(P <0.05). When they were asked to recall the previous memory of those situations and the endings they wrote, the negative group remembered more negative previous reactions (P <0.05). Conclusion: The CBM-I training could change the interpretation bias effectively andaffect the previous memory.


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