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作者:刘艳丽1  刘勇2  陆桂芝1  陈健芷1  陈巍3 
单位:1. 哈尔滨师范大学教育科学学院  哈尔滨150025 
 铁力市职业教育中心学校  铁力152500 
 绍兴文理学院教育学院  绍兴312000 
关键词:尴尬倾向 效度 信度 

<p><b>目的</b>:在中国大学生群体中引入尴尬易感性量表(susceptibility to embarrassment scale, SES)并检验其信效度。<b>方法</b>:采用中文SES对1240名大学生进行了调查, 共收回有效问卷1136份。另用特质内疚量表、羞耻量表、羞怯量表、社交焦虑量表在90名大学生中检验预测效度和效标关联效度。间隔4周后, 随机抽取60名大学生进行重测。<b>结果</b>:中文SES包括自我形象担忧、过度关注他人评价、低社交效能和负性体验4个分量表, 共23个条目;验证性因素分析显示数据拟合良好(<i>&chi;</i><sup>2</sup>/<i>df</i> =2.93, CFI=0.89, TLI=0.91, RMSEA=0.06, SRMR=0.07);量表总分与特质内疚、羞耻、羞怯、社交焦虑的相关系数在0.28~0.45 之间;4 个分量表的Cronbach's &alpha;系数为0.68~0.89, 重测信度为0.67~0.80。<b>结论</b>:中文尴尬易感性量表在大学生中使用的各项信、效度指标均符合心理测量学要求。</p>

<p><b>Objective</b>: To investigate the psychometric attributes of the Chinese Version of Susceptibility to Embarrassment scale(SES). <b>Methods</b>: 1240 university students were asked to complete the Chinese version of SES, 90 of which were additional asked to complete Trait Guilty Scale, Social Anxiety Inventory, Shame Scale, Shyness Scale and a self-assessment embarrassment item. 60 students were chosen to complete the Chinese version of SES after four weeks. <b>Results</b>: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses yielded four factors: self-image concerns, excessive focus on others evaluation, low social efficiency and negative experience, with Cronbach'a coeffients ranging from 0.68 to 0.89 and the test-retest reliabilities ranging from 0.67 to 0.80. The criterion validity was also acceptable in this sample. <b>Conclusion</b>: The Chinese version of SES can be uesd as an effective instrument to assess the embarrassment proneness in Chinese university students.</p>


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