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作者:宋东峰1  傅文青2  孔明2  孙晓宇1 
单位:1. 苏州大学附属第一医院  江苏 苏州 215006 
 苏州大学医学部临床心理学研究所  江苏 苏州 215123 
关键词:大学生 边缘型人格障碍 患病率 共病 童年创伤 


Objective: To investigate the prevalent feature of borderline personality disorders (BPD) of students in Soo - chow University. Methods: PDQ+4 was administered to a sample consisting of 3227 university students to screen personali ty disorder(PD) subjects. BPD subjects were diagnosed by Personality Disorder Interview-IV(PDI-IV), then they and 114 normal students were assessed with Childhood Traumatic Questionnaire (CTQ). Results: ①The prevalence of BPD were 0.96% and it was more common in women. The comorbiderate of BPD was 58.00%, compared with other five PDs. ②The scores of CTQ were higher than those of the control, and the physical neglect and emotioanl abuse positively correlated with BPD. Conclusion: ①There are some students with BPD in China and they have a high comorbiderate with other five normal PDs. ②Maltreated experiences in childhood might contribute to individuals ’ susceptibility to PDs, and physical neglect and emotioanl abuse could explain BPD.


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