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单位:华中师范大学心理系 湖北武汉 430070 
关键词:Client-Centered Therapy Chinese Culture I ndigenization 

In this article, the author analyzed the th eoretical validity of Clie nt-Centered Approach and the extent of its agreement with Chinese Culture along the dimensions of the view of human nature, the theory of self, and the theory of treatment respectively.It was showed from the analysis that there was a good agr eement between the major principles of Client-Centered Approach and Chinese cult ure.But it also showed that certain difficulties concerning to cultural differen ces could be encountered when applying Client-Centered therapy to China, which in cluded that whether the counselor believed deeply in the growing potentials of t he clients , the contradictors behind the "social orientation" in Chinese culture and the therapeutic principle of "being your real self" in Client-Centered appr oach , and the disagreement between the Chinese clients' tendency of asking for d irection and the nondirective tendency of Person-Centered Therapy.

In this article, the author analyzed the th eoretical validity of Clie nt-Centered Approach and the extent of its agreement with Chinese Culture along the dimensions of the view of human nature, the theory of self, and the theory of treatment respectively.It was showed from the analysis that there was a good agr eement between the major principles of Client-Centered Approach and Chinese cult ure.But it also showed that certain difficulties concerning to cultural differen ces could be encountered when applying Client-Centered therapy to China, which in cluded that whether the counselor believed deeply in the growing potentials of t he clients , the contradictors behind the "social orientation" in Chinese culture and the therapeutic principle of "being your real self" in Client-Centered appr oach , and the disagreement between the Chinese clients' tendency of asking for d irection and the nondirective tendency of Person-Centered Therapy.


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