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作者:樊晓光  周东明 
单位:青岛大学师范学院 山东青岛 266071 
关键词:Anxiety Undergraduate Coping 

Objective:To investigate the relationship between psychosocial fact ors and the anxiety in final year undergraduates. Methods:State-Trait An xiety Inventory (STAI) and life events inventory(LEI) were administered to 682 u ndergraduates during their final year term.Result s:Level of anxiety were positively correl ation with number of life events during their final year of study.Regr ession analysis revealed major events contributing to state anxiety in the stated order of :d ivorce of parenes, under privileged state, average grades and job assignment of graduate.Major events cont ributing to trait anxiety were in The stated order oj:interpersonal wi th teachers, inharmonious rel ationship among family , unsatisfactory academic results, and financial strains.Conclusion:Mental health e ducation for undergraduates is to indicated for promoting their copying ability with negative life events.

Objective:To investigate the relationship between psychosocial fact ors and the anxiety in final year undergraduates. Methods:State-Trait An xiety Inventory (STAI) and life events inventory(LEI) were administered to 682 u ndergraduates during their final year term.Result s:Level of anxiety were positively correl ation with number of life events during their final year of study.Regr ession analysis revealed major events contributing to state anxiety in the stated order of :d ivorce of parenes, under privileged state, average grades and job assignment of graduate.Major events cont ributing to trait anxiety were in The stated order oj:interpersonal wi th teachers, inharmonious rel ationship among family , unsatisfactory academic results, and financial strains.Conclusion:Mental health e ducation for undergraduates is to indicated for promoting their copying ability with negative life events.


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