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作者:唐洁  孟宪璋 
单位:暨南大学人力资源管理研究所 广东 广州 510632 
关键词:Undergraduate students Middle school students SWB Personality 

Objective To compare the difference of the subjective well-being(SWB) between undergraduate students and middle school students,and to study the correlation between SWB and personality .Methods 115 undergraduates and 126 middle school students were rated by the General Well-Being(GWB) and the EPQ-RC.Results There was significant difference in SWB between undergraduate and middle school students,and SWB correlated with EPQ-E score significantly.Conclusion SWB of the middle school students was higher than that of the undergraduate students.and the SWB positively correlated with the extraversion dimension of personality.

Objective To compare the difference of the subjective well-being(SWB) between undergraduate students and middle school students,and to study the correlation between SWB and personality .Methods 115 undergraduates and 126 middle school students were rated by the General Well-Being(GWB) and the EPQ-RC.Results There was significant difference in SWB between undergraduate and middle school students,and SWB correlated with EPQ-E score significantly.Conclusion SWB of the middle school students was higher than that of the undergraduate students.and the SWB positively correlated with the extraversion dimension of personality.


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