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单位:青岛大学师范学院 山东 青岛 266071 
关键词:Graduates Personality Mental health 16PF 

Objective:To study the personality trait and mental health status of Teachers College undergraduates.Methods:692 undergraduates of Teachers College were assessed on the Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF).Results:①The total score on mental health for Teachers College Graduates was above the average score of 22.②Female graduates had higher scores on intelligence,persistence,and gregariousness but they also scored higher on acting impetuously and timidity.③ Undergraduates from the Arts stream scored higher on high-sensitivity and high-doubtness,whereas those in the science stream showed higher scores on mood stability and comprehensive mental health.Conclusion:Psychological health education should consider sex differences and personality characteristics of arts and science students.

Objective:To study the personality trait and mental health status of Teachers College undergraduates.Methods:692 undergraduates of Teachers College were assessed on the Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF).Results:①The total score on mental health for Teachers College Graduates was above the average score of 22.②Female graduates had higher scores on intelligence,persistence,and gregariousness but they also scored higher on acting impetuously and timidity.③ Undergraduates from the Arts stream scored higher on high-sensitivity and high-doubtness,whereas those in the science stream showed higher scores on mood stability and comprehensive mental health.Conclusion:Psychological health education should consider sex differences and personality characteristics of arts and science students.


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[3] 戴忠恒,祝蓓里.修订卡氏十六种人格因素量表手册.华东师范大学,1998
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[5] 沈启学,张艺声,李仲斐.大专新生个性特征测验与分析.中国校医,1999,12(1):53


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电 话:0731-85292472    电子邮件:cjcp_china@163.com