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作者:王小平1  Murphy E2  Brink J2  Livingston JD2 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所 湖南 长沙 410011 
 Forensic Psychiatric Hospital UBC BC Canada 
关键词:精神障碍 无责任能力 跨国比较 

目的:对中国湖南省和加拿大BC省两地无责任能力精神障碍患者人口学等资料进行比较,探讨不同的法律体系中无责任能力的精神障碍患者的基本特点。方法:对两地已有的精神障碍患者责任能力评定数据库进行整合 ;共提取年龄、性别、婚姻、教育、犯罪史、精神病史、鉴定时案型、诊断8个变量进行统计处理 ;BC组和湖南组入组病例数分别为273例和354例。结果:除性别和精神病史外,其他各变量差异显著。BC组的离婚率、犯罪史、最高教育程度明显高于湖南组,评估时年龄明显大于湖南组 ;而湖南组的严重犯罪和精神分裂症的诊断比例明显高于BC组(P均 <;0.01)。结论:不同的法律体系、制度和社会文化背景是造成两地无责任能力精神障碍患者不同特点的主要原因。

Objective: To explore and compare the demographic differences between persons with mental disorder who have been found not criminally responsible in BC, Canada and Hunan, China.Methods:273 cases and 354 cases were selected respectively from the database of not criminally responsible patients in BC, Canada and Hunan, China, and integrated into a new database.Eight variables such as sex, age, education level, marital status, conviction history, psychiatric history, index offence and assessment diagnosis were selected for comparison between these two sites.Results: No significant differences were found in sex and psychiatric history between the two groups.The divorce rate, educational level and conviction histories are significantly higher, and the age is significantly older in the BC group as compared with the Hunan group.The rates of serious versus less serious offences and the frequency of a diagnosis of schizophrenia are significantly lower in the BC as compared with the Hunan group.Conclusion: The differences in the above variables between the two groups can be explained in terms of legislative and cultural differences.


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地址:湖南省长沙市中南大学湘雅二医院内, 410011
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