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作者:卢建平  杨志伟  舒明耀  刘惠玲  王晋涛  范伟娣 
单位:深圳市康宁医院 广东 深圳 518003 
关键词:注意缺陷 学习困难 整合视听连续执行测验 

目的:探讨整合视听连续执行测验对注意缺陷多动障碍儿童(ADHD)的评定价值及特征。方法:对51例不伴成绩不良的ADHD儿童及2 4例伴成绩不良的ADHD儿童采用整合型视听连续执行测验并比较两组的测验结果。结果:伴有成绩不良的ADHD儿童的听觉及反应控制商、听觉审慎性、一致性、听、视觉注意商、警觉性、集中度均低于不伴成绩不良组,但无显著性差异。结论:ADHD儿童存在反应控制能力和注意能力的损害,IVA -CPT可作为神经心理测验评定工具。

Objective: To explore the application and characteristics of integrated visual and auditory continuous performance test in ADHD children.Methods:51 ADHD children without LD and 24 ADHD children with LD were assessed on the integrated visual and auditory continuous performance test.Results: Compared with ADHD children without learning disability, ADHD children with learning disability got lower score in auditory response control quotient, auditory prudence, auditory consistency, auditory, visual attention quotient, vigilance and focus, but with no significant difference.Conclusion: IVA- CPT is an useful tool for assisting diagnosis ADHD.


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