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作者:曹素霞1  李恒芬2  张勇3  李幼辉1 
单位:1. 郑州大学第一附属医院 河南郑州450052 
 河南省精神病院 河南新乡453002 
关键词:心理测量学研究 情感量表 焦虑障碍 

目的:评估中国人个性量表之情感量表(Emotional Problems Factor of Chinese Personality Assessment Invento-ry2,CPAI2-E)在焦虑障碍患者中的适用性。方法:以144例焦虑障碍患者和144名健康对照为样本进行信度、效度评定。结果:①通过探索性因素分析6个CPAI2-E因子分别得到2~4个子因子层面,条目负荷在0.413~0.779之间。实证效度具有较好的区分能力。②总量表内部一致性系数(Cronbach’s α)为0.948,各因子在0.755~0.896之间。重测信度检测发现,CPAI2-E量表为0.718,各因子在0.496~0.730。结论:中国人个性量表之情感量表(CPAI2-E)在焦虑障碍患者中有较好的适用性。

Objective:To evaluate the reliability and validity of Emotional Problems Factor of Chinese Personality Assessment?Inventory II (CPAI2-E).Methods:Item analysis of the test was carried out;internal consistency reliability,retest reliability and structure validity,differential validity were examined.Results:①Through factor analysis,20 subordinate?factors were got.②The Cronbach α coefficient of the total was 0.948 and each factor ranged from 0.755 to 0.896;re-test reliability of the total test was 0.718.Conclusion:CPAI2-E can be used as an effective and reliable tool for assessing?anxiety disorders.


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