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作者:杨丽1 2  张阔3  李娟1  李艳苓4 
单位:1. 天津大学心理研究所  天津 300072 
 天津师范大学心理与行为研究院  天津 300074 
关键词:完美主义 维度 分类 


Objective: To provide proof and support for the clinical work of psychological counseling and psychotherapy,through classifying and comparing college students based on perfectionism.Methods: Median method was used.According to the different combinations of the two components of perfectionism,high standards and discrepancy,the students were divided into four groups: A(high standards,low discrepancy),B(high standards,high discrepancy),C(low standards,low discrepancy) and D(low standards,high discrepancy).Results: Selfefficacy,positive affect in group A were signifi-cantly higher than in group B,C and D.Depression,state anxiety and negative affect in group A and C were significantly lower than in group B and D.GPA score in group A and B was significantly higher than in group C and D.The level of satisfaction with GPA in group A and C was significantly higher than in group B and D.Conclusion: It's useful to classify college students by median method based on perfectionism.The people in group B and D whom we renamed clinical perfectionists and the people who are self-defeated in our study should be paid special attention.


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