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作者:胡伟1  王芳2  马丽霞3  林丹华1 
单位:1. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 
 浙江经贸职业技术学院基础教学部  浙江 杭州 310018 
 甘肃农业大学工学院  甘肃 兰州 730070 
关键词:流动人口 歧视知觉 逆境评价 心理适应 


Objective: To examine the relationship between discrimination perception,adversity appraisal and psychological adjustment. Methods: A sample of 328 migrants from rural areas to Beijing and Hangzhou city for job was recruited. Results: ①On the average,the duration of mobility was nearly 7 years. The number of cities that those migrants migrated was 2.79, and the average of total mobility was 0.65±0.77; ②Male migrants reported higher level of discrimination compared with female migrants. And those with higher mobility also reported higher level of discrimination compared with their counterparts. Moreover, it was found that the higher the mobility, the higher the discrimination perception and the lower the self-esteem; ③Adversity appraisal partially mediated the effect between discrimination perception and psychological adjustment. Conclusion: The discrimination perception and psychological adjustment is mediated by adversity appraisal.


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