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作者:周亚娟1 2  梁宝勇1  蔡颖1  陈坡1 
单位:1. 天津师范大学心理与行为研究院  天津 300074 
 贵州商业高等专科学校  贵州 贵阳 550001 
关键词:父母权威问卷 父母教养方式 信度 效度 

目的:对Buri1991年编制的父母权威问卷(Parental Authority Questionnaire,PAQ)进行中文修订和信效度检验。方法:研究用翻译的PAQ,先后测量了726名大学生,55名大学生在一个月后进行了重测。部分被试填写了父母养育方式量表,作为效标效度检验。结果:中文修订的PAQ由三个因素组成。母亲版(PAQ-M)各维度内部一致性系数为0.655~0.869,重测信度为0.621~0.822。父亲版(PAQ-F)各维度的内部一致性系数为0.653~0.862,重测信度为0.600~0.755。验证性因素分析的结果证实了PAQ中文版的三因素模型,相关分析的结果表明问卷有较好的效标效度。结论:修订后的中文版PAQ的信效度达到心理测量学的标准,可以满足国内有关研究的需要。

Objective:To revise the PAQ (Parental authority questionnaire) and to examine the reliability and validity of PAQ’ s Chinese revision. Methods:The revised PAQ was used to assess 726 undergraduate students; 55 students participated the retest 1 month later. And EMBU was used as the criteria -related validity instrument. Results:The Chinese revised PAQ was composed of 3 factors. The Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient and test-retest reliability were 0.655~ 0.869 and 0.621 ~0.822 for Mother’ s Questionnaire, and 0.653 ~0.862 and 0.600~0.755 for Father’ s Questionnaire. The result of confirmatory factor confirmed 3 factors model of PAQ. And the criteria-related validity was good. Conclusion:The reliability and validity of revised PAQ conformed to the psychometric standards.


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