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作者:茆正洪1  余志华2  李蓉蓉1  冯强1  赵旭东1 
单位:1. 同济大学医学院  上海 200092 
 上海上南中学南校  上海 200123 
关键词:外来人口 初中生 自尊 家庭功能 学校适应 


Objective: This study compared self-esteem, family function, and school adaptation between migrant students and native students in Shanghai, and examined to what extent school adaptation, family function, and socioeconomic status (SES), accounted for students' self-esteem. Methods: Data were collected from reports of 612 middle school students in the outskirts of Pudong New area district, Shanghai, by self-evaluation questionnaires including the School Adjustment questionnaire, the Self-Esteem Scale, and the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale. Results: ①When compared with local students, migrant students were more likely to be from rural areas, and had no house in Shanghai (P<0.001). Migrants students' family income and parental education level were overwhelmingly worse than that of natives (P<0.001). ②Migrant students reported significantly lower self-esteem, worse school performance and peer association, and poorer family cohesion and adaptability than native students. ③Results yielded by a hierarchical regression showed that SES, migrant status, school adaptation, and family cohesion were important predictors of adolescents' self-esteem. Conclusion:Migrant students showed significantly lower levels of self-esteem than their local peers, especially peer relations,and family income are essential for migrant adolescents' self-esteem.


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