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作者:罗艳红1  蔡太生2  李满林1  唐鑫3  陈贵2 
单位:1. 湖南女子学院女性心理健康研究所  长沙 410004 
 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所  长沙 410011 
 湖南省长沙监狱  长沙 410007 
关键词:罪犯 人格 攻击行为 典型相关 


Objective: To explore the relationship between the personality and aggressive behavior in adult criminals. Methods: NEO Five-Factor Inventory, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, and aggression questionnaire were used to measure 421criminals in Changsha. Results: ①The mean of each dimension and total score of BIS-II in criminals were significantly higher than rural residents, urban residents and college students. ②The three dimensions of BIS-II was significantly positively related with anger, hostility, physical attacks and the total score of AQ. Neuroticism was significantly positively related with four dimensions and total score of AQ. Conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness were significantly negatively related with anger, hostility, physical attacks and the total score of AQ. ③In the canonical correlation analysis, one significant canonical correlation coefficient was found between the Big Five Personality dimensions and AQ dimensions, and two significant canonical correlation coefficient were found between BIS-II and AQ. Conclusion: The criminal's personality has remarkable impulse characteristics. Neuroticism and impulsiveness of personality characteristics can effectively predict criminal aggressive behaviors.


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