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作者:丁雪辰1  刘俊升2  李丹2  桑标1 2 
单位:1. 华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院  上海 200062 
 上海师范大学心理学系 上海 200034 
 华东师范大学学前教育与特殊教育学院  上海 200062 
关键词:自尊 自我知觉量表 信度 效度 


Objective: To examine the psychometric properties of Harter's Self Perception Profile for Children(SPPC) in a sample of Chinese children. Methods: 464 elementary school students in Shanghai were recruited in the present study. Information of children's self perception, loneliness, depression and social competence were collected from self-reports and teacher's ratings. Results: ①The correlations between items and dimensions were acceptable. ②The constructive validity is good and fitted the five factors model well. ③Children's score on SPPC was significantly associated with loneliness, depression, and social competence. ④The internal consistency of 6 dimensions of SPPC r


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