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作者:史娟  李朝旭  张永慧  王大林  彭博雅 
单位:曲阜师范大学教育科学学院  曲阜 273165 
关键词:癌症患者 情绪 注意偏向 点探测任务 


Objective: To investigate the feature and processing mechanism of the attentional bias to emotional information in cancer patients. Methods: Cancer patients and healthy individuals were tested with a dot-probe task to examine the impact of the different emotional pictures and stimulus presenting time on attentional bias. Results: ①Attention biases toward negative emotional cues and away from positive emotional cues existed in cancer patients. ②When the, response time on negative emotion was significantly shorter and that on the positive emotion picture was longer in cancer patients than normal controls. However, no differences of response time were found while stimulus were presented for 1250ms. ③In cancer patients, compared to the female patients, male patients showed longer response time on negative emotion pictures. Conclusion: Attentional bias to negative emotion exists in cancer patients that occurs at the early stage of cognitive processing, and the male patients may have more severe attentional biases to the negative emotion than the female.


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