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作者:赵衍翠  杨双 
单位:苏州大学教育学院  江苏苏州 215123 
关键词:注意缺陷多动障碍 干扰控制 Stroop 

目的: 考查干扰强度对ADHD儿童干扰控制的影响。方法: ADHD组和正常组各25名儿童参与了实验,使用数字Stroop范式,要求被试判断同时呈现的不同物理尺寸的两个数字数值的大小,并通过改变物理尺寸的大小,设置高低两种不同强度的干扰条件,考察在不同强度的干扰条件下,ADHD儿童的干扰控制特点。结果: 在高干扰强度下,ADHD组的冲突效应量大于对照组;在低干扰强度下,ADHD组的冲突效应量小于对照组。结论: 在高干扰强度条件下,ADHD儿童表现出干扰控制缺陷,在低干扰强度条件下,ADHD儿童未表现出干扰控制缺陷。

Objective: To investigate how the level of interference intensity impacts the interference control of ADHD children. Methods: There were two groups —ADHD group and normal control group; each group had 25 children attending the experiment. Numerical-Stroop paradigm was used to ask the children to judge the value of the two numbers appeared in different physical size at the same time. And set up an interference condition with two intensity levels to investigate the interference control character of ADHD children under the different intensity interference conditions. Results:The ADHD group had more value of impact effect than the control group under the condition of high interference intensity,but less value than the control group under the low interference intensity condition. Conclusion: The results suggested that ADHD children showed a deficit in interference control only under the high interference intensity condition.


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