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单位:苏州大学教育学院 苏州 215021 


Objective: To investigate the effects of cognitive therapy on resilience for one college student with dys themic disorder. Methods: A dysthemic disorder college student received the 9 week and 9 time cognitive therapy. The Self Rating Depression Scale(SDS), Self Rating Anxiety Scale(SAS), Perceived Social Support Scale(PSSS) and Resilience Scale for Chinese Adolescents (RSCA) developed by Hu Yueqin et al were completed pre and post treatment and at a 3 month follow up. Results: Data indicated that RSCA and PSSS were significantly increased, emotion related scores in SDS, SAS were significantly reduced from pre to post intervention, and better life and self satisfaction were reported by the stu dent. These improvements maintained at 3 month follow up. Conclusion: Cognitive threrapy may be helpful to increase re silience for dysthemic disorder patients, however, more empirical studies are needed in the future of this area.


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